Source code for source.game_window

Main Window Manager.
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import arcade
import json
import as gl

from constants import *
from entities.entity import Entity
from status_bar import draw_status_bar
from game_engine import GameEngine
from util import pixel_to_char
from util import char_to_pixel
from themes.current_theme import colors

[docs]class MyGame(arcade.Window): """ Main application class. Manage the GUI """
[docs] def __init__(self, width: int, height: int, title: str): """ :param width: :param height: :param title: """ super().__init__(width, height, title, antialiasing=False) # Main game engine, where the game is managed self.game_engine = GameEngine() # Track the current state of what key is pressed self.left_pressed = False self.right_pressed = False self.up_pressed = False self.down_pressed = False self.up_left_pressed = False self.up_right_pressed = False self.down_left_pressed = False self.down_right_pressed = False # Used for auto-repeat of moves self.time_since_last_move_check = 0 # Where is the mouse? self.mouse_position: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None self.mouse_over_text: Optional[str] = None # These are sprites that appear as buttons on the character sheet. self.character_sheet_buttons = arcade.SpriteList() arcade.set_background_color(colors['background'])
[docs] def setup(self): """ Set up the game here. Call this function to restart the game. """ self.game_engine.setup() for button_name, y_value in zip( ["attack", "defense", "hp", "capacity"], range(SCREEN_HEIGHT - 75, 490, -37) ): sprite = arcade.Sprite("images/plus_button.png") sprite.center_x = 200 sprite.center_y = y_value = button_name self.character_sheet_buttons.append(sprite)
[docs] def draw_hp_and_status_bar(self): text = f"HP: {self.game_engine.player.fighter.hp}/{self.game_engine.player.fighter.max_hp}" arcade.draw_text(text, 0, 0, colors["status_panel_text"]) if self.game_engine.player.fighter.level <= len(EXPERIENCE_PER_LEVEL): xp_to_next_level = EXPERIENCE_PER_LEVEL[self.game_engine.player.fighter.level-1] text = f"XP: {self.game_engine.player.fighter.current_xp:,}/{xp_to_next_level:,}" else: text = f"XP: {self.game_engine.player.fighter.current_xp:,}" arcade.draw_text(text, 100, 0, colors["status_panel_text"]) text = f"Level: {self.game_engine.player.fighter.level}" arcade.draw_text(text, 200, 0, colors["status_panel_text"]) size = 65 margin = 2 draw_status_bar( size / 2 + margin, 24, size, 10, self.game_engine.player.fighter.hp, self.game_engine.player.fighter.max_hp, )
[docs] def draw_inventory(self): capacity = self.game_engine.player.inventory.capacity selected_item = self.game_engine.selected_item field_width = SCREEN_WIDTH / (capacity + 1) for i in range(capacity): y = 40 x = i * field_width if i == selected_item: arcade.draw_lrtb_rectangle_outline( x - 1, x + field_width - 5, y + 20, y, arcade.color.BLACK, 2 ) if self.game_engine.player.inventory.items[i]: item_name = self.game_engine.player.inventory.items[i].name else: item_name = "" text = f"{i + 1}: {item_name}" arcade.draw_text(text, x, y, colors["status_panel_text"])
[docs] def draw_mouse_over_text(self): if self.mouse_over_text: x, y = self.mouse_position arcade.draw_xywh_rectangle_filled(x, y, 100, 16, arcade.color.BLACK) arcade.draw_text(self.mouse_over_text, x, y, arcade.csscolor.WHITE)
[docs] def draw_in_normal_state(self): self.draw_hp_and_status_bar() self.draw_inventory() self.handle_messages() self.draw_messages() self.draw_mouse_over_text()
[docs] def draw_in_select_location_state(self): # If mouse hasn't been over the window yet, return None if self.mouse_position is None: return mouse_x, mouse_y = self.mouse_position grid_x, grid_y = pixel_to_char(mouse_x, mouse_y) center_x, center_y = char_to_pixel(grid_x, grid_y) arcade.draw_rectangle_outline( center_x, center_y, SPRITE_WIDTH, SPRITE_HEIGHT, arcade.color.LIGHT_BLUE, 2, )
[docs] def draw_character_screen(self): arcade.draw_xywh_rectangle_filled( 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, colors["status_panel_background"], ) spacing = 1.8 y_value = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 50 x_value = 10 text_size = 24 text = "Character Screen" arcade.draw_text(text, x_value, y_value, colors['status_panel_text'], text_size) y_value -= text_size * spacing text_size = 20 texts = [ f"Attack: {self.game_engine.player.fighter.power}", f"Defense: {self.game_engine.player.fighter.defense}", f"HP: {self.game_engine.player.fighter.hp} / {self.game_engine.player.fighter.max_hp}", f"Max Inventory: {self.game_engine.player.inventory.capacity}", f"Level: {self.game_engine.player.fighter.level}", ] for text in texts: arcade.draw_text(text, x_value, y_value, colors['status_panel_text'], text_size) y_value -= text_size * spacing if self.game_engine.player.fighter.ability_points > 0: self.character_sheet_buttons.draw()
[docs] def handle_messages(self): # Check message queue. Limit to 2 lines while len(self.game_engine.messages) > 2: self.game_engine.messages.pop(0)
[docs] def draw_messages(self): y = 20 for message in self.game_engine.messages: arcade.draw_text(message, 300, y, colors["status_panel_text"]) y -= 20
[docs] def draw_sprites_and_status_panel(self): # Draw the sprites self.game_engine.cur_level.dungeon_sprites.draw(filter=gl.GL_NEAREST) self.game_engine.cur_level.entities.draw(filter=gl.GL_NEAREST) self.game_engine.cur_level.creatures.draw(filter=gl.GL_NEAREST) self.game_engine.characters.draw(filter=gl.GL_NEAREST) # Draw the status panel arcade.draw_xywh_rectangle_filled( 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, STATUS_PANEL_HEIGHT, colors["status_panel_background"], )
[docs] def handle_character_screen_click(self, x: float, y: float): if self.game_engine.player.fighter.ability_points > 0: sprites_clicked = arcade.get_sprites_at_point((x, y), self.character_sheet_buttons) button_names_to_effects = { "attack": {"area": "fighter", "trait": "power", "change": 1}, "defense": {"area": "fighter", "trait": "defense", "change": 1}, "hp": {"area": "fighter", "trait": "max_hp", "change": 5}, "capacity": {"area": "inventory", "trait": "capacity", "change": 1}, } for sprite in sprites_clicked: if in button_names_to_effects: effect = button_names_to_effects[] area = getattr(self.game_engine.player, effect["area"]) original_value = getattr(area, effect["trait"]) setattr(area, effect["trait"], original_value + effect["change"]) self.game_engine.player.fighter.ability_points -= 1
[docs] def on_mouse_press(self, x: float, y: float, button: int, modifiers: int): """ Handle mouse-down events :param x: :param y: :param button: :param modifiers: """ # If we are currently in a 'select location' state, process if self.game_engine.game_state == STATE.SELECT_LOCATION: # Grab grid location grid_x, grid_y = pixel_to_char(x, y) # Notify game engine self.game_engine.grid_click(grid_x, grid_y) if self.game_engine.game_state == STATE.CHARACTER_SCREEN: self.handle_character_screen_click(x, y)
[docs] def on_draw(self): """ Render the screen. """ arcade.start_render() self.draw_sprites_and_status_panel() if self.game_engine.game_state == STATE.NORMAL: self.draw_in_normal_state() elif self.game_engine.game_state == STATE.SELECT_LOCATION: self.draw_in_select_location_state() elif self.game_engine.game_state == STATE.CHARACTER_SCREEN: self.draw_character_screen()
[docs] def on_key_press(self, key: int, modifiers: int): """ Manage key-down events :param key: :param modifiers: """ # Clear the timer for auto-repeat of movement self.time_since_last_move_check = None if key in KEYMAP.UP: self.up_pressed = True elif key in KEYMAP.CHARACTER_SCREEN: self.game_engine.game_state = STATE.CHARACTER_SCREEN print("Open character screen") elif key in KEYMAP.CANCEL: self.game_engine.game_state = STATE.NORMAL # Movement elif key in KEYMAP.DOWN: self.down_pressed = True elif key in KEYMAP.LEFT: self.left_pressed = True elif key in KEYMAP.RIGHT: self.right_pressed = True elif key in KEYMAP.UP_LEFT: self.up_left_pressed = True elif key in KEYMAP.UP_RIGHT: self.up_right_pressed = True elif key in KEYMAP.DOWN_LEFT: self.down_left_pressed = True elif key in KEYMAP.DOWN_RIGHT: self.down_right_pressed = True # Item management elif key in KEYMAP.PICKUP: self.game_engine.action_queue.extend([{"pickup": True}]) elif key in KEYMAP.DROP_ITEM: self.game_engine.action_queue.extend([{"drop_item": True}]) elif key in KEYMAP.SELECT_ITEM_1: self.game_engine.action_queue.extend([{"select_item": 1}]) elif key in KEYMAP.SELECT_ITEM_2: self.game_engine.action_queue.extend([{"select_item": 2}]) elif key in KEYMAP.SELECT_ITEM_3: self.game_engine.action_queue.extend([{"select_item": 3}]) elif key in KEYMAP.SELECT_ITEM_4: self.game_engine.action_queue.extend([{"select_item": 4}]) elif key in KEYMAP.SELECT_ITEM_5: self.game_engine.action_queue.extend([{"select_item": 5}]) elif key in KEYMAP.SELECT_ITEM_6: self.game_engine.action_queue.extend([{"select_item": 6}]) elif key in KEYMAP.SELECT_ITEM_7: self.game_engine.action_queue.extend([{"select_item": 7}]) elif key in KEYMAP.SELECT_ITEM_8: self.game_engine.action_queue.extend([{"select_item": 8}]) elif key in KEYMAP.SELECT_ITEM_9: self.game_engine.action_queue.extend([{"select_item": 9}]) elif key in KEYMAP.SELECT_ITEM_0: self.game_engine.action_queue.extend([{"select_item": 0}]) elif key in KEYMAP.USE_ITEM: self.game_engine.action_queue.extend([{"use_item": True}]) # Save/load elif key == arcade.key.S: elif key == arcade.key.L: self.load() elif key in KEYMAP.USE_STAIRS: self.game_engine.action_queue.extend([{"use_stairs": True}])
[docs] def on_key_release(self, key: int, modifiers: int): """ Called when the user releases a key. :param key: :param modifiers: """ if key in KEYMAP.UP: self.up_pressed = False elif key in KEYMAP.DOWN: self.down_pressed = False elif key in KEYMAP.LEFT: self.left_pressed = False elif key in KEYMAP.RIGHT: self.right_pressed = False elif key in KEYMAP.UP_LEFT: self.up_left_pressed = False elif key in KEYMAP.UP_RIGHT: self.up_right_pressed = False elif key in KEYMAP.DOWN_LEFT: self.down_left_pressed = False elif key in KEYMAP.DOWN_RIGHT: self.down_right_pressed = False
[docs] def on_mouse_motion(self, x: float, y: float, dx: float, dy: float): """ Handle mouse motion, mostly just used for mouse-over text. """ # Get current mouse position. Used elsewhere when we need it. self.mouse_position = x, y # Get the sprites at the current location sprite_list = arcade.get_sprites_at_point((x, y), self.game_engine.cur_level.creatures) # See if any sprite we are hovering over deserves a mouse-over text self.mouse_over_text = None for sprite in sprite_list: if isinstance(sprite, Entity): if sprite.fighter and sprite.is_visible: self.mouse_over_text = ( f"{} {sprite.fighter.hp}/{sprite.fighter.max_hp}" ) else: raise TypeError("Sprite is not an instance of Entity class.")
[docs] def save(self): """ Save the current game to disk. """ game_dict = self.game_engine.get_dict() with open("game_save.json", "w") as write_file: json.dump(game_dict, write_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) results = [{"message": "Game has been saved"}] self.game_engine.action_queue.extend(results)
[docs] def load(self): """ Load the game from disk. """ with open("game_save.json", "r") as read_file: data = json.load(read_file) self.game_engine.restore_from_dict(data)
[docs] def check_for_player_movement(self): """ Figure out if we should move the player or not based on keys currently held down. """ # Player is dead, don't move her. if self.game_engine.player.is_dead: return # Reset the movement clock used for holding the key down for repeated movement. self.time_since_last_move_check = 0 # cx and cy are the delta in movement. Start with no movement. cx = 0 cy = 0 # Adjust delta of movement based on keys pressed if self.up_pressed or self.up_left_pressed or self.up_right_pressed: cy += 1 if self.down_pressed or self.down_left_pressed or self.down_right_pressed: cy -= 1 if self.left_pressed or self.down_left_pressed or self.up_left_pressed: cx -= 1 if self.right_pressed or self.down_right_pressed or self.up_right_pressed: cx += 1 # If we are trying to move, pass that request to the game_engine if cx or cy: self.game_engine.move_player(cx, cy)
[docs] def on_update(self, delta_time: float): """ Manage regular updates for the game :param delta_time: """ # --- Manage continuous movement while direction keys are held down # Time since last check, if we are tracking if self.time_since_last_move_check is not None: self.time_since_last_move_check += delta_time # Check if we should move again based on the clock, or if the clock # was set to None as a trigger to move immediate if ( self.time_since_last_move_check is None or self.time_since_last_move_check >= REPEAT_MOVEMENT_DELAY ): self.check_for_player_movement() # --- Process the action queue self.game_engine.process_action_queue(delta_time) self.game_engine.check_experience_level()
[docs]def main(): """ Main method for starting the rogue-like game """ window = MyGame(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_TITLE) window.setup()